Category: Research

Death and grief are all around us – and this time of year is hard
As the festive season approaches, many of us will be taking time to remember loved ones who have died, with new research from Grief Centre and the Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand showing 1 in every 2 New Zealanders has had a family member die in the last two years, and almost 1 in 3 have had a friend die.
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‘Talking about death and the future allowed us to honour Mum’s wishes’
When Marie-Louise Brennan died, there was no question about what she wanted to happen. She had planned her funeral, chosen all the music and flowers, picked her coffin, and specified the location of her burial. You name it, Marie-Louise had it planned.
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Death is part of life – let’s talk about it
Are you someone who is happy to talk about your funeral plans? Or someone who would rather talk about anything else under the sun? Turns out if you avoid it, you’re not alone.
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